Tuesday, August 21, 2007

History of the modern necktie.

The roots of the modern necktie can be traced back to the Thirty Year's War which was a battle that started from religious conflict and was fought from 1618 to 1648. Many of the Croatian men that were fighting for the french wore small, knotted neckerchiefs.
These neckties being woren by the Croatian soldiers started a fashion craze among both men and women in Europe where they too were wearing pieces of fabric around their necks.

Here's a excerpt from wikipedia:
In the late seventeenth century, the men wore lace cravats that took a large amount of time and effort to arrange. These cravats were often tied in place by cravat strings, arranged neatly and tied in a bow.

The Origin Of The Necktie.

While doing research on how to tie a necktie and all the other variations of tying a tie, I decided to find out where exactly did the origin of neckties come from. Snooping around I found what wikipedia had to say about it: " The history of neckwear can be traced back to China in the tomb of the First Emperor of China, Ch’in Shi Huang-Ti. All of the terracotta warriors uncovered wore neckerchiefs." and over time the way of tying a tie has changed dramatically as well.

Learn how to tie a basic or four in hand necktie.

How to tie a necktie
Start with the wide end "A" and extend it about 12 inches below narrow end "B". Now cross the wide end "A" over narrow end "B" of the necktie.
2. Now, turn the wide end "A" back underneath the narrow end "B"
Continue by bringing the wide end "A" back over in front of the narrow end "B" again. Do not pull tight as you want the wide end "A" to ride along the narrow end "B" in a later step
Now, pull the wide end "A" up, behind, and through the loop around your neck
Now, hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and thumb and bring wide end "A" down through front loop. As you pull through, slide your index finger under the knot and begin to tighten the knot.

And that's how you tie a necktie, I hope this has been informative.